Why you might need to talk to a TEP
This month saw the launch of a new campaign to raise awareness of Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEPs)
The campaign, entitled ‘You can talk to a TEP’, focuses on the questions that arise at momentous or difficult points in people’s lives – birth, marriage, divorce, death or illness of a loved one, moving abroad, retiring, etc.
Having TEP status is a reflection of specialist qualifications and experience in drafting wills and trusts, administering estates, acting as a trustee and advising families on the best way to structure their finances and preserve assets for future generations.
With just a handful of TEPs in the whole of Calderdale, we are proud that solicitor Heather Nuttall's TEP status also reflects her significant involvement at a specialist level with inheritance and succession planning. Contact Heather at our Halifax office on 01422 339 619.
Find out more about STEP at http://advisingfamilies.org/.
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