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Kate Wardman
    • Kate Wardman

    • Solicitor Children and Care Proceedings
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What is Public Law Outline? (PLO)

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The Public Law Outline (also known as PLO) sets out the duties the Local Authority have when they are considering issuing court proceedings. The PLO process is usually initiated if the Local Authority are concerned about the welfare of a child or the care...

Are social services involved in your family circumstances?

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Having social workers involved in family matters can be confusing and distressing so it’s important to get expert legal advice from the get-go. Our experienced solicitors will be able to guide you through the process and ensure you have the best...

What is a Special Guardianship Order: everything you need to know

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Special Guardianship Orders were introduced to bridge the legal gap between long-term fostering and adoption. Wherever possible, the courts have always sought permanence for “looked after children”. However, fostering and adoption did not...