News and Events

Is Your Relationship Facing a Back to School Crisis?

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While many parents will greet their children’s return to school with a sigh of relief, for some the end of the summer holidays could also mark the start of a divorce. Alongside Christmas and the New Year, the long summer holidays can represent a...

How the Residence Nil Rate Band could benefit your children when you die

Heather Nuttall
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The amount you can currently pass on to your children when you die without being liable for inheritance tax is £325,000. This is known as the Nil Rate Band. Amounts over this threshold are taxed at 40% (with a few exceptions such as gifts to...

How to protect elderly relatives from postal scams

Heather Nuttall
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According to Age UK, almost half of all people in the UK have been targeted by a scam. Scams can be a particular problem for vulnerable people such as the elderly. Scammers commonly contact people by post. They often use sophisticated techniques and it can...

Who should make decisions about your care if you cannot?

Heather Nuttall
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Barely a week goes by without care for the elderly making the headlines. Thankfully, more people than ever before are aware of issues relating to the treatment and care of loved ones who no longer have capacity. However, it seems that many people remain...

Employment tribunal fees scrapped - could you be affected?

James Hodgson
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If you’ve been experiencing problems at work and have been put off taking your employer to a tribunal because of the cost of tribunal fees, you could benefit from last week’s Supreme Court ruling to scrap tribunal fees with immediate effect. The...